MGS – Marker Generation System
InvenTex MGS marker generation software module, this is a very strong tool of InvenTex CAD system. Using of the module gives at once significant, at least 5% material savings. Intuitively grouped functions for easy operation. Intelligent Master Marker module intelligently and automatically creates the markers with the highest efficiency (lowest material waste) and in the shortest time. The system supports checks, strips and/or pattern fabrics. Fabric consumption when creating the marker is constantly monitored. The work plan of the cutting room masterfully optimizes another intelligent module – InvenTex Cut Plan.
Product Functions
- very easy to create new cutting markers through an intuitive marker wizard
- creation of new markers on the base of existing ones, swapping sizes in the marker while maintaining their position, connection several markers into one marker
- ability to work with multiple open markers at the same time
- simultaneous generation of markers for different groups of materials within one cutting order
- automatic templates fitting to the materials checks report, strips report or fabrics motives formulas
- patterns automatic scaling for selected shrinkage parameters, assigning of shrinkage values to the fabrics
- support of faults on the fabrics, defining of overlap lines for fabric spreading process
- ability to edit the shape and key parameters of elements directly from MGS module
- possibility of placing elements in selected areas of the marker, so-called “sections” (horizontal or vertical)
- fast copy and move of patterns between sections and other markers
- synchronization of elements rotation within each bundle, synchronization of rotation for the elements within all bundles at one given size (all elements in the bundle will always rotate synchronously), or synchronization of rotation for the elements within all bundles for the all sizes together
- advanced creation of fusing groups with separated support of their shrinkage ratio. Possibility to move fusing group automatically from the marker for main fabric to the “fusing” marker consisting of elements to be fused
- adding to just ready marker of new size, new product/model or next elements even from the another model, not existing in the ready marker – ex. in purpose to make the marker efficiency higher
- ability to cut selected elements in the marker in purpose to obtain higher marker efficiency (less fabric waste)
- smart update of existing ready-made markers in case of: change of pattern shape, notches, patterns quantity in a model, or any another changes in the patterns made meanwhile. Update supported by list of recognized changes.
- super-fast and precise graphics using OpenGL technology
- fully user-profiled interface (icons, tool bar, keyboard shortcuts, colors, etc.)
- fully profiled data import from the cooperating parties, recorded in all international formats
- generation and profiling of marker files to be used with professional plotters and automatic cutting machines